
Klamath Falls, OR

The Running Y Design Guidelines were created to align the rural character of the Running Y with today's modern design sensibilities . We created a comprehensive vision to balance the delicate nature of the Oregon High Desert environment with the needs of the prospective homeowners so that they have a step by step guide to creating a homestead that is mindful of the enviroment, adpatable to climate change, and more importantly advances the value of the property and respective home. Additionally it was crafted to refocus and communicate the design approval process between the new homeowners and the Running Y HOA so that the development remains consistent with the overall vision created 30 years ago. The guidebook is in four parts; Vision, Context, Guidelines, and Land Stewardship with respective Diagrams that illustrate the design process. 

Client services offered include site master planning, drone photography and site analysis, three dimensional modeling, planting rejuvenation, and site design.



